Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yase Hieizanguchi


Yase Hieizanguchi Station on the Eiden Line is where visitors to Enryakuji Temple can transfer to the Eizen Cable Car to ride to the top of Mt. Hiei in Kyoto.

Yase Hieizanguchi Station

The short walk between Yase Hieizanguchi Station and the Cable Car station goes past some small lakes and follows the Takano River. There are some pleasant walks along the river bank in both directions and people come here for riverside BBQs and to see the autumn leaves. Buses to Ohara also stop at Yase Hieizanguchi  Station.

Yase Hieizanguchi, Kyoto

The Eiden Line runs between Demachiyanagi Station and the village of Kurama in the hills north of the city.
Yase Hieizanguchi map


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