Monday, February 6, 2012

Shake Your Soul/Kripalu Yoga Dance in Japan

There are many dance forms in Japan that you can try from Hula to Hip Hop, Belly to Butoh to Bon Odori. In Japan odori (踊り) means "dance" and is generally used in referring to Japanese forms of dance, while "dan-su" (ダンス), written in katakana from "dance" is a popular way of describing the many forms of dance which come from all over the world.

Dance is popular for all ages and is a great way to express yourself, release stress, and exercise. Now in Japan you can also find Yoga Dance (ヨガダンス).

As yoga in it’s many forms is becoming popular in studios all over Japan, the freedom offered in Yoga Dance is a chance to break free from the set poses and to find your inner rhythms and expression in order to achieve union between body and spirit.

Shake Your Soul/Kripalu Yoga Dance comes from Kripalu, a world-famous yoga center in western Massachusetts. Music from around the world is incorporated into the classes which are a combination of guided movements and opportunities for individual expression. In a culture where most leisure time activities as well as work and school life and even exercise and dance are fixed with set rules and expectations, the opportunity to express oneself freely and find your own rhythms in a class can be a welcome chance.

Yoga dance is a dance form that is meant to be shared, so it is also a fitting expression in Japan where doing things in groups in the spirit of team work is a prevalent value. Once we connect to ourselves and let our own hearts open, it is a joy to share that expression with others through movements and creative expressions.

Shake Your Soul Kripalu Yoga Dance in Oita (Heart of Christmas Event, Oita)

For information about Shake Your Soul/Kripalu Yoga Dance in Oita: joannegyoshida[at]

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