Saturday, January 28, 2012

Japan News This Week 29 January 2012


Japan News.Japan: Nuclear Contamination Cleanup Near Stricken Plant to Start in Spring

New York Times

Japan did not keep records of nuclear disaster meetings


Japan reports first trade deficit in 32 years after tsunami


Nuclear foes defy order to remove tents from the grounds of METI

Japan Times

Japón sufre su primer déficit comercial en tres décadas

El Pais

« La Fissure », un webdocu sur le Japon de l'après-Fukushima

Rue 89



Henoko and the U.S. Military: A History of Dependence and Resistance

Japan Focus

Oakland manager Melvin excited about Japan series

Yahoo Sports

Last Week's News


Of the nine attacks involving a firearm in 2011 that are suspected to be the work of the Japanese mafia (yakuza), eight took place in Fukuoka Prefecture. The one other was an attack on an entertainment company office in Tokyo.

In 2012 to date, the one attack was the January 17 shooting of a construction company president in Fukuoka.
Source: Asahi Shinbun

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